############ 31/08/18 10:10 #############
Chip ID: 54
Grade: A

Hitmap summary:
Number of events: 200k
Number of hits: 354056
Hits/events: 1.8
Average Rate: 1034 Hz
Acquisition time: 464.4 s

Hitmap result:
Critical dead pixels: 0
Total dead pixels: 28
Pixel maximum hits: 145
Pixel minimum hits: 0

Pixel alive test:
Critical inefficient pixels: 0
Total inefficient pixels: 2

Trimming test:
Threshold mean: 60.07
RMS: 1.0
Number of pixels out of 3*RMS: 51
Position of dead pixels (x,y):
Pixel: 2 2
Pixel: 2 4
Pixel: 2 5
Pixel: 2 6
Pixel: 2 7
Pixel: 2 8
Pixel: 2 9
Pixel: 2 10
Pixel: 2 11
Pixel: 2 12
Pixel: 2 13
Pixel: 2 14
Pixel: 2 17
Pixel: 2 81
Pixel: 3 2
Pixel: 3 3
Pixel: 3 4
Pixel: 3 5
Pixel: 3 7
Pixel: 3 80
Pixel: 4 2
Pixel: 4 3
Pixel: 5 2
Pixel: 7 3
Pixel: 7 81
Pixel: 8 81
Pixel: 9 2
Pixel: 53 2
Position of inefficient pixels (x,y):
Pixel: 1 2
Pixel: 52 80