INFO - PLT FED TTCrx OK (PLL ready, dll ready, frame synced) INFO - Set up PLT FED interface #0, base address = 0x44000000, ID = 34 INFO - Output will be stored in this file: /home/2017ColdBox/cmsplt/interface/calib/pltlevelsfast_calibration_output.txt INFO - PLTFED channel 0-1 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 5 roc 1) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 168.646 [16.4654], 1DC: 237.458 [24.8283], 2DC: 421.604 [21.5362], 3DC: 664.771 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-2 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 5 roc 2) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 169.229 [16.4825], 1DC: 216.167 [27.2061], 2DC: 348.271 [22.8739], 3DC: 545.625 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-3 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 5 roc 3) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 170.625 [0.218438], 1DC: 171.083 [-0.17117], 2DC: 170.708 [2.41354], 3DC: 175.729 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-4 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 13 roc 1) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 170.229 [48.774], 1DC: 291.479 [74.676], 2DC: 549.312 [167.851], 3DC: 1023 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-5 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 13 roc 2) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 168.792 [32.544], 1DC: 273.208 [63.2411], 2DC: 499.146 [209.46], 3DC: 1023 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-6 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 13 roc 3) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 173.312 [8.98385], 1DC: 193.792 [20.9852], 2DC: 239.062 [70.2646], 3DC: 395.271 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-10 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 21 roc 1) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 168.542 [1.96015], 1DC: 217.438 [15.3652], 2DC: 287.896 [13.1616], 3DC: 428.938 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-11 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 21 roc 2) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 171.979 [24.7622], 1DC: 248 [17.5884], 2DC: 375.938 [10.8875], 3DC: 521.479 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-12 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 21 roc 3) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 171.479 [26.5363], 1DC: 270.667 [24.5166], 2DC: 438.042 [13.4695], 3DC: 687.271 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-13 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 29 roc 1) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 173.521 [37.2129], 1DC: 271.896 [76.7681], 2DC: 484.5 [266.431], 3DC: 1023 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-14 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 29 roc 2) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 175.812 [37.7298], 1DC: 319.812 [61.0558], 2DC: 636.979 [87.0149], 3DC: 1023 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-15 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 29 roc 3) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 174.5 [47.0134], 1DC: 285.5 [67.5538], 2DC: 541.188 [141.972], 3DC: 1023 INFO - Beginning fine timing calibration... ERROR - Error: ot all fastors are landing in the same bucket. Either that or there are no fastors!!! INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 1: 11 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 2: 11 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 3: 1 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 4: 11 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 5: 11 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 6: 11 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 10: 12 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 11: 11 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 12: 11 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 13: 11 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 14: 11 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 15: 11 WARN - Something looks not quite right so: writing params files to calib/ WARN - If you want these settings you have to copy them by hand ERROR: couldn't find conf/params_pltfed34.dat; perhaps the calibration failed? Files will not be moved. ERROR: pltfed1_id is not set in calibration-configuration.conf; file will not be moved