INFO - Output will be stored in this file: /home/2017ColdBox/cmsplt/interface/calib/pltlevelsfast_calibration_output.txt INFO - PLTFED channel 0-1 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 5 roc 1) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 161.354 [36.6023], 1DC: 274.354 [72.3739], 2DC: 492.75 [237.135], 3DC: 1023 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-2 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 5 roc 2) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 144.458 [23.082], 1DC: 211.083 [43.9632], 2DC: 345.125 [158.648], 3DC: 853.792 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-3 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 5 roc 3) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 136.667 [-0.0113094], 1DC: 136.646 [0.040356], 2DC: 136.729 [-0.182076], 3DC: 136.333 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-4 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 13 roc 1) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 113.917 [33.3478], 1DC: 189.208 [19.6967], 2DC: 311.312 [11.7065], 3DC: 496.521 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-5 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 13 roc 2) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 205.75 [14.5669], 1DC: 253.062 [11.5699], 2DC: 333.188 [16.6666], 3DC: 524.646 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-6 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 13 roc 3) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 0 [-nan], 1DC: 0 [-nan], 2DC: 0 [-nan], 3DC: 0 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-10 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 21 roc 1) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 0 [-nan], 1DC: 0 [-nan], 2DC: 0 [-nan], 3DC: 0 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-11 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 21 roc 2) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 0 [-nan], 1DC: 0 [-nan], 2DC: 0 [-nan], 3DC: 0 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-12 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 21 roc 3) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 0 [-nan], 1DC: 0 [-nan], 2DC: 0 [-nan], 3DC: 0 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-13 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 29 roc 1) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 173.646 [15.1493], 1DC: 209.479 [16.2694], 2DC: 306.021 [17.9547], 3DC: 489.438 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-14 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 29 roc 2) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 160.042 [33.655], 1DC: 274.917 [34.8838], 2DC: 502.188 [18.3562], 3DC: 870.771 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-15 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 29 roc 3) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 180.438 [16.8025], 1DC: 243.25 [14.6834], 2DC: 348.583 [10.3327], 3DC: 544.812 INFO - Beginning fine timing calibration... WARN - WARNING: bmax - bmin > 3 ERROR - Cannot find the right bucket for PLT FED channel 0-3: Adjust = 9 ERROR - Error: ot all fastors are landing in the same bucket. Either that or there are no fastors!!! INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 1: 9 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 2: 9 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 3: 2 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 4: 9 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 5: 10 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 6: 1000 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 10: 1000 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 11: 1000 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 12: 1000 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 13: 10 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 14: 9 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 15: 9 WARN - Something looks not quite right so: writing params files to calib/ WARN - If you want these settings you have to copy them by hand ERROR: couldn't find conf/params_pltfed34.dat; perhaps the calibration failed? Files will not be moved. ERROR: pltfed1_id is not set in calibration-configuration.conf; file will not be moved