INFO - PLT FED TTCrx OK (PLL ready, dll ready, frame synced) WARN - soft FEDID = 32 doesn't match hard board FEDID = 34 WARN - PLT FED #0 warning: base address in config file (0x44000000) does not match address in FED params data file (0x44) INFO - Set up PLT FED interface #0, base address = 0x44, ID = 32 INFO - Output will be stored in this file: /home/2017ColdBox/cmsplt/interface/calib/pltlevelsfast_calibration_output.txt WARN - soft FEDID = 32 doesn't match hard board FEDID = 34 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-1 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 5 roc 1) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 183.625 [17.2549], 1DC: 226.375 [44.3915], 2DC: 344.812 [139.866], 3DC: 754.688 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-2 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 5 roc 2) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 222.875 [17.1994], 1DC: 268.167 [44.5717], 2DC: 375.375 [196.964], 3DC: 925.062 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-3 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 5 roc 3) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 155.146 [14.7389], 1DC: 187.583 [23.8418], 2DC: 237.417 [220.982], 3DC: 870.688 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-4 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 13 roc 1) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 195.521 [35.721], 1DC: 273.5 [44.7568], 2DC: 487.417 [119.149], 3DC: 1023 INFO - Threshold 0 for 0-4 manually adjusted to 230 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-5 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 13 roc 2) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 181.438 [20.2557], 1DC: 236.854 [30.695], 2DC: 379.354 [25.5172], 3DC: 865.292 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-6 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 13 roc 3) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 170.438 [23.7465], 1DC: 222.708 [29.1885], 2DC: 362.188 [20.4526], 3DC: 880.979 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-10 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 21 roc 1) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 159.042 [34.0923], 1DC: 235.625 [50.0903], 2DC: 430.479 [172.275], 3DC: 1023 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-11 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 21 roc 2) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 180.208 [51.8857], 1DC: 299.729 [77.4225], 2DC: 614.875 [112.802], 3DC: 1023 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-12 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 21 roc 3) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 206.312 [45.5424], 1DC: 315.667 [68.6009], 2DC: 625.729 [93.7774], 3DC: 1023 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-13 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 29 roc 1) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 172.354 [23.2567], 1DC: 233.271 [24.564], 2DC: 380.542 [24.9703], 3DC: 801 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-14 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 29 roc 2) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 184.271 [24.0356], 1DC: 255.646 [57.7236], 2DC: 478.062 [167.61], 3DC: 1023 INFO - PLTFED channel 0-15 (mFec 7-1 hubAddress 29 roc 3) INFO - Levels and [separations]: BLMax: 0 [-nan], 1DC: 0 [-nan], 2DC: 0 [-nan], 3DC: 0 INFO - Beginning fine timing calibration... WARN - soft FEDID = 32 doesn't match hard board FEDID = 34 ERROR - Error: ot all fastors are landing in the same bucket. Either that or there are no fastors!!! INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 1: 9 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 2: 9 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 3: 9 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 4: 9 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 5: 9 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 6: 9 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 10: 9 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 11: 9 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 12: 9 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 13: 9 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 14: 9 INFO - MaxBucket after adjustment for pltFedId 0 pltFedChannel 15: 1000 WARN - Something looks not quite right so: writing params files to calib/ WARN - If you want these settings you have to copy them by hand ERROR: couldn't find conf/params_pltfed32.dat; perhaps the calibration failed? Files will not be moved. ERROR: pltfed1_id is not set in calibration-configuration.conf; file will not be moved